Setting Goals Together with Multiple People Can Help You Set More Specific Goals


It’s December.
There’s less than a month left in this year.
I set my goals for 2023 at the beginning of the year.
Some goals have been achieved, while some of it I was not successful in achieving.
I think the more specific the goal, the easier it is to achieve it.

I wanted to decide on next year’s goals a little early, so I attended a 2024 goal setting seminar.
At the seminar, we were asked several questions, and by answering them, we set concrete goals.

Some of the questions are:

1. What have you accomplished well this year? What is the reason?

2. What did you not successfully accomplish this year? What is the reason?

3. What do you want to achieve in three years?

4. What kind of situation do you think you and the environment surrounding you will be in, in three years?

5. What do you think you need to accomplish in 2024 to achieve your goals in 3 years?

6. Please tell me the following.

・What I want to achieve by December 2024

・Things to do within 6 months

・Things to do within 3 months

・Things to do within 1 month

At the end of the seminar, everyone did a presentation and we shared our goals with each other and gave each other feedback.
By giving each other feedback, we were able to notice flaws in our goals that we would not have noticed if we were alone, and we were able to set more specific goals.
I believe it was very helpful and I definitely learned a lot.

Setting goals together with multiple people can help you set more specific goals.

